HISTORICAL BACKGROUND:In truth, apart from having in the collection, an original and notated studio photograph, very little is known about this cat, other than that he appears to have scored some reasonable wins as a Blue Persian ,during the 1911-1913 period, when very few males other than the likes of Ch.Sir Archie II of Arrandale, Ch.Barry Bluejohn and Ch.Oaklands Steadfast, got a look in. He does not seem to appear in a GCCF register, and yet at least one of his placings, a second in the Open Class for Blue Males at Newbury on Feb 4th, 1913; against Mrs Watson's Ch.Barry Bluejohn, is recorded in the GCCF Vol.1 Supplement. PARENTAGE & OWNERSHIP:From the GCCF Supplement, the Show Reports and the notated photograph, we know that 'Sir Reginald Samson' was born 4th May, 1910, and was owned by Mrs Marie Finch of Westminster. We also have partial pedigree information, with his sire listed as the blue "Bonnie Joe of Bournemouth" (1907) and his dam listed simply as "Cleopatra 4". We do not know the name of his breeder nor anything further of his dam's background or history. However, of his sire, we know a little more, as 'Bonnie Joe' was a son of 'Ch. Bonnie Marcello', himself a known and relatively popular son of the distinguished 'Ch. Orange Blossom of Thorpe' and 'Ch.Swallowcliffe Dollie of Thorpe'. Therefore 'Sir Reginald Samson' is a direct descendant from this dominant and respected line. Of his owner, Mrs Marie Finch, the photograph itself could be telling, as the mount is imprinted with both her name and address, in the style of all photographers. Whether from this, we may deduce that she was herself an amateur or possibly a professional photographer, based in Westminster; or whether this was simply a new marketing invention, of pre-printing the owners name on the mount, we are left to wonder.
CH Bonnie Marcello, Blue Bonny Jo of Bournemouth, Blue | Blue Gown, Blue Sir Reginald Samson, May-4-1910, Blue M | Unknown Cleopatra 4, Blue Unknown SIBLINGS & SHOWS:Of siblings, we can only find sire-siblings, those by 'Bonnie Joe of Bournemouth' and none of any particular note.
Of show reports and results we can draw from additional sources. From the notated photograph, we have the following: We also know from the Show Report in 'Fur and Feather' on January 24th 1913, that at the prestigious Westminster Show, in a huge class of 170 blues, judged by Miss Frances Simpson and against the fiercest competition in the country, he gained a very respectable 'Reserve' (4th) in the Blue male Open class, and a 'Second' in the 'Breeders' Class. In both cases, these were against winners of the ilk of Oaklands Steadfast, and Ch. Archie II of Arrandale. Miss Simpson also gives us our only commentary on "Sir Reginald Samson" pointing out his strengths and weaknesses: "LONGHAIRS: BLUE MALE, 14: 1,ch, ch.cup, and spls, best Cat in Show, Miss Cheetham, Oaklands Steadfast, beautiful eyes, A1 shape, rare head and bone, good coat, level colour, and in fine trim; 2,Mrs G.Wilson, Sir Archie of Arrandale, massive cat, strong in bone, with great wealth of coat, not as cobbily built as leader, and loses in eye and soundness of colour underneath, in perfect condition; 3, Miss Cheetham, Oaklands Silvio, nice head and bone, big frame, loses eye and coat, the latter being inclined to lay flat; r. Mrs Finch, Sir Reginald Samson, paler in eye and not as sound in colour, good coat, grand size and bone." ¹
And in the BLUE BREEDERS Class: BREEDING & PROGENY:No known progeny have been recorded. PHOTOS:
SOCIAL MEDIA :None currently available. REFERENCES:
Registers associated with this article include The Incorporated Cat Fanciers Association of Great Britain (TICFAGB), National Cat Club (NCC), The Cat Club (CCR), Beresford Cat Club (BCC), Feline Federation Francaise (FFF), Siamese Cat Registry (SCR), US Register & Studbook for Cats (USR)including Supplement(USRS), The Studbook of the American Cat Association (ACA), and the Studbook & Register of the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA).
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